Community Safety Directory

  • MUNI information 3-1-1

  • Leaking fire hydrants 3-1-1

  • Illegal dumping, litter, graffiti, potholes, landscaping and tree issues, etc. 3-1-1

  • RECOLOGY trash pick-up 415-626-4000

  • All parking enforcement problems (cars on sidewalks, blocked driveways, etc.) 415-553-1200

  • Police Dispatch 415-553-0123

  • Taraval Police Station 415-759-3200

  • Crime Stoppers (anonymous) 415-242-9753

  • Abandoned Cars (on streets) 415-553-9817

  • Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services 415-554-5975

  • Anonymous Tip Line (multi-lingual) 415-558-5588

  • City Attorney's Code Enforcement Hotline 415-554-3977